Jul 12, 2010

He Took The Butter Off Her Knife

During half time of the World Cup yesterday, I walked through the street fair taking place next door to my friend Amanda's house.  I love checking out all the different tents from different vendors, but I don't often come upon something that I really like adore.  Yesterday I did!  I found Bonnie Jones Photography, she's a local artist and she was displaying her work at the fair.  I came away with a great little piece I'm saving for my sister (who doesn't read this blog, so don't worry) and her upcoming birthday. 

I checked out Bonnie's blog, Explore Daily, and saw that she is currently working on a project called Journal Portraits. Having been a the kind of girl who has kept a journal on and off since 3rd grade (all stashed in a box under my bed), most diligently when I'm traveling, I find a strong connection to her images.

The above photograph "He Took The Butter Off Her Knife" corresponds with this entry:

Friday, January 4, 1946
"She was at the table one day and she reached her knife and helped herself to butter. And her husband took his own knife and stretched his hand out and took the butter off her knife with his knife and put it back on the plate. It was as though the poor thing couldn't have any butter. Maybe it was no wonder she became queer - and maybe she wasn't the only queer one in that family. That was a queer thing to do, to take the butter away from her, right off her knife with his knife."

*It made my weekend to find something like this in my own backyard, and it also gave me inspiration to keep working diligently on my own photography.

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to read your post! I'm so happy you appreciate my quirky project. This serves as a little push for me to make the next photo in the series! And it's awesome that you are a photographer too. I'll visit again soon :)
