Mar 31, 2010

A happy home

We had a fun little house-warming/birthday party on Saturday.  These are a few photos from the event.  It was a Potluck, which basically meant I ate too much of an assortment of really good dishes.  To name off a few: stuffed mushrooms and tomatoes, smoked salmon chowder, quinoa salad, cheesy potatoes,   homemade hummus & dill dip with fresh market veggies, bbq'd oysters and sooo much more! Yum, I'm getting hungry just writing about it.

Brittany brought a beautifully wrapped box which housed the cutest little owl pitcher which I promptly displayed on our mantle.  Rachy gave us 4 gorgeous little champagne saucers that had belonged to her grandmother.  So naturally, we sipped champagne like the dainty women we are out of the etched glass saucers the rest of the night!   I also love the radio my mom & I purchased for Peter.  It looks vintage but you can plug your i-pod into it! 

It was a fun night, although I wish I could have stayed up a bit later instead of going to bed before my guests!!  I woke up the next morning and Brittany, Tanner & Luke had cleaned my entire kitchen/dining room!  Sheeesh!  Talk about good friends!

{Photo of Brittany & I taken by Luke Markus}


  1. I love the photos! And I had SUCH a great time-the cleaning was well worth it. Hahhahahaha. Seriously, like we said it's the difference between a house party at 30 vs. 20 ;)

  2. Lovely photos! and happy belated bday to your husband :)

  3. Good to see you Mo, at my place. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment.:)
    I hope you will be very happy in your new home. It sounds like you had a great party with some lovely gifts. The ceramic owl looks cute!

    Best wishes,
    Jo May.;)

  4. Looks and sounds like wonderful fun! Gorgeous photography...
