Mar 12, 2010

15 two, 15 four, and a double run of eight is twelve!

My husband grew up without a television, so his family is fiercely competitive when it comes to games. Since settling in our new house and making the conscious decision to leave the t.v. in the basement, we have been playing a lot of card games to entertain ourselves. My favorite is cribbage. Being horrible at quick math I can feel it forcing my brain to work harder as I try to count out my points.

I found these cool cribbage boards on Etsy of course! They are both handmade and a great gift for the cribbage enthusiast.

What are your favorite games?

{1 via Timber Green Woods & 2 via Wood From the Hood}


  1. These boards are great! I'm also an avid fan of good ol' fashioned card and board games. I always get a chance to play cribbage with my grandparents-in-law. They play every night and don't even count the points anymore, they've just memorized almost every card combination there is and their associated points.

  2. I love cribbage, too! I love the boards you posted here. What a great idea. Plus, they look like bacon strips. :)

  3. Tanya- I have also seen this great vintage style cribbage board that is shaped like a whale and the pegs are kept in the blow hole. It's got blue nautical designs on it, but I couldn't find a good picture of it.

    Annie- That's hilarious. I totally see it now!
