Nov 30, 2009

Weekend in the country

I spent a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend in Ellensburg with my Husband's family and good friends. The days were dry, windy and full of blue skies and bright sun.  I spent Friday walking around downtown and then walking along the river.  Friday night Peter and I and a few friends headed up to Roslyn to see the Dusty 45's rock out at The Brick.  Saturday was about napping and football before heading back over to the west side.  

Oh yeah and that sweet belt!?  An awesome gift from my sister-in law Anna.  

Nov 27, 2009

Lovely ladies

I stayed up late last night watching the movie: Secretary.  I remember the buzz surrounding it when it came out some years back but I'd never actually seen it.  It's just another reason to love my girl Maggie Gyllenhaal; she is a great actress and an inspiration with her quirky style. 

I can't think of her without thinking of my other two favorite gals...Zooey Daschanel and Chloë Sevigny.  All three of these women impress me with their acting abilities and style choices.  Yeah-ya for all the funky free-stylin' ladies out there!

{ Images found here and here and here-here }

Nov 25, 2009

Turkey Lurkey

I love this time of year...time spent with friends and family enjoying good food, a little red wine...pecan pie...maybe two pieces of pecan pie?!  If you are one of the 'lucky' ones you might even get some of my Aunt Lynda's Escalloped Artichoke Hearts.  This year I will be spending Thanksgiving with my in-laws so it is up to me (the not so great cook) to try and re-create this dish so I don't completely go without.  What are you favorite Thanksgiving dishes?  

Hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!

{Images found via Stardust and Sequins
{Top photo credit: Neil Krug}

Nov 23, 2009

Balloons do it better


I consider myself very lucky to have a sister that is also one of my best friends, we always have a blast when we hang out and sometimes...if we both hit it just right...we make each other laugh really really hard.  

We met up this past Saturday to bum around Ballard.  After coffee, stopping in at Dolce Vita to bug my friend Christine and later a 'Rajun Cajun' sandwich from the Other Coast Cafe (thanks to my buddy Joel for showing me that one) we spent the rest of the afternoon cruising up and down Ballard Ave checking out the cute shops.  It was a super windy day so the balloons we grabbed beforehand ending up being a lot of fun. 

Nov 21, 2009


During my first trip to Ireland 3 years back I came across this cute, very tiny shop in Dublin run by a stylin' little Japanese girl.  Besides the handful of funky earings I bought there I also made my first discovery of Blythe.  I came away with this little zip up pouch...

And although I do find these dolls pretty creepy, I also have a strange attraction to them.  One quick google image search and you will find that there are hundreds if not thousands of photos of this doll; different hairstyles, outfits and there are even people selling Blythe accessories on Etsy!  It's a strange world...but I'll take this big eyed dolls anyway.

Nov 20, 2009

Holga my love

I was looking through the Urban Outfitters site and came across an awesome selection of Holga related items.  It's been a long while since I've shot with my Holga; in fact I think it may still have some undeveloped film inside (oops!).  Yet these accessories make me think it just might be time to pick it up again.

Found Photo Friday: New Moon

(1949 New Moon Trailer in the woods)

Not quite the New Moon you were thinking of eh?

{Found via Flickr}

Nov 19, 2009

Baby blue

A few weeks back I had the chance to photograph my good friend's little munchkin for some images to go on her 1st birthday party invitations.  Despite all the rainy days we've been having, we were able to connect for a beautiful evening in the park.  Can you believe the little miss wasn't into it?  I guess she can't quite handle her rise to stardom. 

Nov 16, 2009

Animal portraits

My husband and I spent a great weekend up in Bellingham visiting friends and celebrating birthdays.  Mr. Squirrel was the sweet gift I received from Brittany (complete in a cute vintage frame).  I've already decided he will go great above towel rack number one in our bathroom and now I just need to convince Mrs. Squirrel that she'd be oh so happy living above towel rack number two.  I thought the Skunk couple was also adorable.  To see more of these wonderful drawings from the imagination of Ryan Berkley check out his Etsy shop: Berkley Illustrations.

Nov 14, 2009

Up close

I'm not sure why I have such a fascination with old and abandoned houses, lots ect, but it's always been there.

Nov 13, 2009

Found Photo Friday: Not pleased

Not sure how this popped up with that search, but I like the photo.

{Found via Flickr}

Nov 11, 2009

Grandma Jennie's style

One of my strongest memories of my grandma Jennie besides her ample use of perfume and her love of Gamalost were her ring watches.  She had a couple that were quite swanky, crusted in little rhinestones and pearly edges which I loved to wear around her house every time I visited.  A quick search on google and I was ble to find a few different varities of my childhood memory.  If only I had one of them now to wear obnoxiously on my middle finger. 

{Found Via 1, 2, 3}

Nov 10, 2009

G is for:


Goodness Gracious!! With Christmas right around the corner I am thinking about my wish list as well as great ideas for friends and family.  This is definitely going to be towards the top.  The drawings are so inspirational, and what an awesome cover to boot!

{Found via Double Takes}