While my husband was out of town this weekend I took the time to do something I don't get to do when he's around...watch scary and horrible movies. My friend Maggie stayed with me Friday night before I dropped her off at the airport Saturday morning to head to Hawaii for the week. We went out for dinner and drinks and then came back to subject ourselves to this:
Saturday after taking her to the airport, coming home and sleeping for another four hours I finally got myself in gear and cleaned the house before heading to Seattle for the night. My sister Alanna was able to squeeze in a coffee with me between work and work again, so we were able to chat and catch up a bit.
After coffee I headed to Greenwood to hang with my cousin Garrett. He is a commercial fisherman in Alaska so I usually get treated to some tasty seafood when I eat with him. He made an awesome Halibut Yakisoba which went perfectly with the tasty beer he so delicately paired it with:
While eating dinner we listened to the awesome debut album of a band Garrett introduced me to, and I am now in love with:
After dinner we headed up North to catch the Silvertips game. Unfortunately it was not a good night for the tips who were defeated by the Wheat Kings: 5-2!!

My Sunday was spent running around doing a few errands such as purchase these adorable boots by Steve Madden that I have been eyeing for a while:
My last errand was to pop into Borders & grab an issue of my favorite magazine which I let the subscription lapse on:
Once I got home and put everything away...including the ingredients for our Sunday night dinner (falafels) I grabbed my bust and a blue moon and took a relaxing bath. Ellen Page is sharp, you gotta love her witty remarks, and did you know they are making an Arrested Development movie! That's almost as exciting as the sequel to Boondock Saints: All Saints Day.